The old parish church in Marein

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Church & Abbey, Via Statale 5, 39020 Kastelbell-Tschars / Castelbello-Ciardes
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The old parish church in Marein

The old parish church in "Marein"
The core of the old parish church in Marein was presumably built around 1400. At least the stellar vault of the choir and the tracery windows on its southern side are from this period. By contrast the tower and nave were not given their present form until the 17th cent. In addition to a Baroque altar from the 18th cent. In addition to a Baroque altar from the 18th cent. the church also contains an older altar from the 17 cent. Among other things, its other furnishings include two remarkable oil painting: a Madonna and Child with St.John the Baptist as a boy, venerated by St Francis, St Clare and St Catherine, as well a second large-format oil painting, which features ST Odile, who was born blind and gained the ability to see only through her baptism

Castelbello - Maragno

In front of the church

Location and route

Popular accommodations and further sightseeing spots in the area

The sightseeing The old parish church in Marein is located in Kastelbell-Tschars / Castelbello-Ciardes.

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