Visitor centre culturamartell

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Nature Park House, Trattla 246, 39020 Martell / Martello
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Visitor centre culturamartell

The visitor centre culturamartell is in the Val Martello next to the sports and leisure centre Trattla. The museum presents themselves as a modern museum of local history and culture from the people on the mountain farms. The national park house culturamartell has a lift and is therefore freely accessible for everyone.

With the car or public transports from Coldrano to Morter, from there always on the same street to Val Martello. Around the national park house culturamartell you will find many parking possibilities. You can also take the bus number 262 from the train station in Coldrano to the national park house. The bus stop directly in front of the house.

Location and route

Popular accommodations and further sightseeing spots in the area

The sightseeing Visitor centre culturamartell is located in Martell / Martello.

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