Bike transport - Venosta railway - separate bike transport

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Game and sports facility, Matsch 3, 39024 Mals / Malles Venosta
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About Bike transport - Venosta railway - separate bike transport

From April 25 to October 27, 2024, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm and from 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm, it is not permitted to take bicycles on the Venosta Valley Railway at the Meran/Merano, Algund/Lagundo en Marling/Marlengo stations.

A special shuttle is available for the transport of bicycles along the Venosta Valley railway line. Bicycles are transported to the railway stations of Naturns/Naturno, Latsch/Laces, Schlanders/Silandro, Spondinig/Spondigna of Mals/Malles as desired, while the bike owners travel in parallel on the Venosta Valley Railway.

Departure times of the shuttle from Meran railway station:

09:16 am, 10:16 am, 3:16 pm, 4:16 pm

Bicycles must be handed in up to half an hour before departure time.


€7.00 per bike (day ticket for taking bikes on public transport)

The day ticket is available from the südtirolmobil ticket counters at the stations and is validated by the shuttle service staff.


There is only limited space for bicycles on the train from Töll/Tel to Mals. We recommend using the separate bike transport service in Meran.
There are free parking spaces at the Merano station on Prader Square.

Attention: Parking is not possible here on Tuesdays and Fridays due to the weekly market.
Public transportation
The bus lines in Schenna do not transport bikes.

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