Charging station for e-cars in St. Leonhard/S. Leonardo

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Charging station, Passeirerstraße 40, 39015 St. Leonhard in Passeier / San Leonardo in Passiria
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About Charging station for e-cars in St. Leonhard/S. Leonardo

A 2 x 22 kW charging station is located in the parking area near the Tourist Office in St. Leonhard.

Recharge vouchers are available in the Tourist Office of Riffian, St. Martin and St. Leonhard (Price: € 35.60 = 40 kWh).

Coming from Meran/Merano to the Passeiertal Valley until St. Leonhard/S. Leonardo.

Public transportation
The starting point is easy to reach with the following public connections: With bus line 240 from Meran/Merano to St. Leonhard/S.Leonardo.