Tiozzo, specialised paperhanger and decorator

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Hangings, Alessandro-Volta-Straße / Via Alessandro Volta 3, 39100 Bozen / Bolzano
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About Tiozzo, specialised paperhanger and decorator


Tiozzo Severino was born in the province of Padova in 1923. He was

a paperhanger and the grandfather of today's owner. The young

tradesman moved to Bolzano and in 1946 decided to set up his own

business in Via Genoa. The store specialised in producing wool mattresses.

A niche product if there ever was one. But back in the day

it sold exceptionally well, and was particularly well received by the

Italian immigrants living in the Semirurali worker neighbourhood,

which had been created after World War II. All things change and, in

1959, grandfather Severino moved to Via Torino and stopped selling

mattresses in favour of curtains and wallpapers. In 1985, his sons

Roberto and Silvano joined the family-run business, and his nephew

Mirco took over after his uncle retired in 2006.

Stand-out traits

The modern store boasts floor-to-ceiling windows which flood

the store with plenty of natural light. This setup also establishes a

direct connection with Bolzano's industrial estate's busy roads, as

the store is located opposite the historical Valbruna steelworks and

right next to the innovative NOI techpark. What all the business'

clients have in common is measures scribbled on sheets of paper or the blueprint of their apartment, the key ingredients when purchasing

duvets and kitchen linen, curtains, awnings, and solutions

to provide shade. All these are tailored or adapted to the client's

specifications in the workshop on the first floor, while the workshop

in the cellar is where the upholstery magic takes place across a sea

of divans, armchairs, and chairs.

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