Tobacconist Peter

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Local business, Mailandstraße / Via Milano, 5, 39100 Bozen / Bolzano
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About Tobacconist Peter

Peter's father was one of the most important butchers in the city,

whereas his mother followed her own path and opened her own

tobacco store in 1955 - Peter was a 1-year-old baby - in Don Bosco, a

neighbourhood which mostly comprises Italian-speaking Bolzanini.

Idle hands weren't something the family believed in, so Peter started

helping out at the shop during the school breaks and holidays. It

soon dawned on him, at the start of the 60s upon finishing school,

that he'd be taking over the business.

The shop is a true cave of wonders: every square inch seems to be

bursting with products, and the 60 m² stock whatever you may

need - and then some. Toys, stationery, cards for every occasion;

however, the pride and joy of the venue is its tobacco, especially pipes and all the relevant tools, and a wealth of different tobacco.

Oh, and don't forget to try your luck and buy a scratch card or play

your lucky numbers at the lottery.