21 - Senter dela Gon

    • (0)

Duration 1.7 h

Distance 4.7 km

Ascend 296 hm

Descent 45 hm

Max. height 1114 m

21 - Senter dela Gon - Description

The “Gon” is a thick forest that rose up on a landslide of rocks between the small plateau of Guardia and the vast highland of the village of Folgaria. The German-Cimbrian toponym actually indicates the landslide, nowadays completely hidden underneath the woods.  The route crosses the forest and it is the ancient connection between the small village below the summit of the Finonchio and Folgaria.
Many are the points of interest along the “Senter dela Gon” (The Gon Path). First of all, the Ofentol waterfall, then the panoramic point of view of the “Dos del Stock”, the Rio Mous (stream Mous) and Rio Cavallo (stream Cavallo) – Rosspach and also the forest of the Gon. The nature along the path is extremely fascinating and it is the perfect place to enjoy the shade during the warmest summer days. The difficulty of the route is medium, it is recommended also to families with children older than 6 years.


  • Start


    After having left our car in the parking area in Guardia (nearby the Maso Grotti), we follow the signs for the Ofentol waterfall. Once we’ve reached the waterfall, we continue until we find the panoramic viewpoint “Dos del Stock” (amazing view of Guardia). Afterwards we venture into the path that leads us across the Rio Mous and takes us to the easy road of the Gon.
    We walk the path surrounded by a flourishing forest of spruce and larch. Reached the bridge of Rio Cavallo – Rosspach, we continue gently upwards until the area of Carpeneda. During this last stretch, we are in the open-air. We begin this last uphill part of the path that takes us to Folgaria, nearby the petrol station, at the road SS350.

  • end point


Tips for the tour

It is possible to walk in both ways: either from Folgaria to Guardia or from Guardia to Folgaria. In both cases, the route of return is the same.


  • Difficulty

  • Fitness

  • Experience

  • Landscape

Recommended season

  • Jan.
  • Feb.
  • Mar.
  • Apr.
  • May
  • Jun.
  • Jul.
  • Aug.
  • Sep.
  • Oct.
  • Nov.
  • Dec.


self-arranged arrival
Guardia is located 10 km from Folgaria. From the roundabout of Folgaria East follow the signs to Serrada (5km). In front of the church of Serrada follow the signals to Guardia, further 5 km. If you come from Vallagarina: once you have reached Mezzomonte (6km from Calliano) and nearby the church (follow the road signals), take the road SP220 to Guardia (4km).
In Guardia there are two parking areas: one in the upper part of the village (coming from Serrada), and the second nearby Maso Grotti (lower part of the village) - starting point of the excursion.

public transport
Due to its position, the village of Guardia is not well connected by public transport. During summer season Guardia is connected to Folgaria by the touristic shuttle (info APT Tel. 0464 724100).

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