753. Cavedine Valley

Mountain Biking
    • (0)

Duration 1.8 h

Distance 13.8 km

Ascend 380 hm

Descent 380 hm

Max. height 586 m

753. Cavedine Valley - Description

If the initial 10% climb on asphalt does not intimidate you, then this short tour will give you the opportunity to admire the tranquil beauty of Lake Cavedine.
An all-year-round tour, suitable even for gravel bikes - if a bit of loose terrain doesn’t bother you. The initial climb, which leads from lake Cavedine to the archaeological area, is all on asphalt. Although the length of the ride is rather short, it would be wise - especially during the hottest periods, to prioritise your personal water supply, as there are no fountains en-route.
The upper part of the route develops on an old block pavement, with some rather rough sections, in the vicinity of some interesting archaeological sites. The descent will be mostly on asphalt with the exception of a short gravel section.


  • Start

    Lake Cavedine - Trebi

    The starting point of the route is in Trebi. Coming north from Dro you will find the first sign for route 753 to your right, at the forked road. However, starting from the south of the lake, continue south for a few dozen meters where you should take the first road on your left. Here you will quickly find the route signage which guides you uphill, through the locality of Trebi. Continue to climb on the main road, where the gradient is constant at around 10%. Quickly gaining altitude, you’ll have the possibility to admire the remarkable views of Lake Cavedine and the Sarca Valley.
    A little after you have passed over the hill-top, follow a wide curve round to the right. Leave the asphalt road, and take the archeological gravel road, continuing to follow the directions for route 753. All of the turnings are well indicated and the route continues with undulating terrain until the locality of San Siro. Once again riding on asphalt, keep left and start to descend, following the main road - as indicated by the signage.
    At the fourth hairpin bend, take the gravel road on the left that brings you back to Lake Cavedine. After approximately 100 meters, the terrain returns to asphalt. Continue to follow the road downhill toward the lake, where you will rapidly meet its tributary.
    Turn left here and follow the road that runs along the water course to the south, where for a short time you will arrive at the lake itself. Continue straight on to find the route starting point.

  • end point

    Lake Cavedine - Trebi

required equipment

Riding your bike requires specific clothing and equipment, even for relatively short and easy trips. It is always better to be prepared… e.g. for bad weather or a drop your energy levels. The unexpected things also make up a part of the fun! Remember to throughly evaluate the type of route you plan to do, the locations you plan to cross and the current season. Has it been raining? Attention: The paths may be slippery and require more caution. What do I need to bring on my bike tour? An adequate water supply according to your needs (considering temperature, possibility of refuelling and duration of the route) Plenty of snacks (for example, dried fruit or energy bars) Waterproof / Windproof jacket. A spare top / spare socks. (Descending in a sweaty garment, will make you cold) Suncream Sunglasses Bike gloves/mitts Map or GPS device Bike lights: best placed on your helmet or handlebars. (It is always best to be prepared) Bike repair kit for punctures and mechanical breakdowns First aid kit Emergency whistle  It is always advised to let someone know where you plan to go and how long you expect to be.  Emergency telephone number 112

Tips for the tour

This tour goes through the archaeological site of Val di Cavedine 


  • Difficulty

  • Fitness

  • Technique

  • Experience

  • Landscape

Recommended season

  • Jan.
  • Feb.
  • Mar.
  • Apr.
  • May
  • Jun.
  • Jul.
  • Aug.
  • Sep.
  • Oct.
  • Nov.
  • Dec.


self-arranged arrival
From the Garda Trentino centres; Riva del Garda, Arco, and Torbole sul Garda go north towards Dro / Trento. At Dro turn right towards Drena and take the provincial road SP84. Continue on this road until you find the signs for lake Cavedine (fork on the left). Follow it left and take the provincial road 214 to Pietramurata, which takes you through the protected are of ‘Marocche’. After a few minutes you will find a signpost for Trebi. Getting to northern Lake Garda / Garda Trentino
Free parking space in the small harbor on Lake Cavedine.

public transport
Cavedine is connected by the intercity bus lines (204, 205). For up-to-the-minute information on timetables and routes

Interesting things nearby