Cima Creper Vac - Val di Breguzzo

Ski Touring
    • (0)

Duration 5.5 h

Distance 12.9 km

Ascend 1709 hm

Descent 1200 hm

Max. height 2760 m

Cima Creper Vac - Val di Breguzzo - Description

A splendid circular tour in a solitary environment with extensive views of most of the southern peaks of the Adamello range. The trail described here involves a climb along the eastern side and the descent along the north side, returning along the Val del Vescovo. Difficulty: BSA


  • Start

    Car park at the electric power station - altitude 1150m

    Following the snow-covered road you get to Rifugio Trivena (altitude 1650m). From here, along the right-hand side of the valley (at the mouth of the Val Canevaza), you cross a small bridge and meet a trail that climbs up to Corno del Fus (the Taiade path). You go around this rocky outcrop on the right and then back to the left via a wide saddle (Sella del Fus). You have now reached the beautiful slopes of the summit, which are never too steep but require careful assessment. Going uphill to the south-west, you get a view of the summit: now head towards an obvious rocky formation that resembles the head of a Setter to get to the Passo dei Contrabbandieri (Smugglers’ Pass at 2650m). From here, pass under the steep peak, going uphill as far as a ridge 50 metres below the summit. Note that this last exposed stretch should be tackled carrying your skis (crampons are useful). On the descent, (a difficult alternative route, only for experienced skiers with stable snow!) go down carrying your skis – an ice axe and crampons are useful – for a short stretch along the north ridge. When you can, return to the northern side, descending along several narrow gullies through rocky outcrops, before putting on your skis. Then follow the beautiful valley that leads into the Valle del Vescovo and takes you to the Piana di Redont further down and the path that leads back to Rifugio Trivena.

  • end point

    Cima Creper Vac - altitude 2816m

required equipment

The usual ski-mountaineering equipment + crampons and ice axe, which are useful for the final stretch of the ridge.

Tips for the tour

“Scialpinismo in Trentino” by Ulrich Kossler, published by Tappeiner, Cierre edizioni 2010. Or “Scialpinismo e racchette da neve in Val di Breguzzo” by Antolini Dario, published by Rendena 2009 (on sale at Rifugio Trivena).


  • Difficulty

  • Fitness

  • Experience

  • Landscape

Recommended season

  • Jan.
  • Feb.
  • Mar.
  • Apr.
  • May
  • Jun.
  • Jul.
  • Aug.
  • Sep.
  • Oct.
  • Nov.
  • Dec.


self-arranged arrival
From the village of Breguzzo (Valli Giudicarie) follow the signs to enter the Val di Breguzzo, and park where the road is not cleared of snow, just after the electric power station. In late spring, or in an off-road vehicle, you can continue as far as Ponte Pianone, at an altitude of 1230m.
Large car park (about 50 parking spaces)

public transport
Not provided

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