Dossdelacros trail - Tour 944

Mountain Biking
    • (0)

Duration 1.3 h

Distance 11.6 km

Ascend 455 hm

Descent 458 hm

Max. height 926 m

Dossdelacros trail - Tour 944 - Description

Trails discovery between Nembia and San Lorenzo.
Short trail tour crossing the highland of Banale and reaching lake Nembia through a nice descent near the area of Moline di Deggia.


  • Start

    San Lorenzo in Banale

    The route starts from the car park of the sport centre of San Lorenzo in Banale near the roundabout. Follow the slightly ascending tarmaced road to San Lorenzo. You will arrive at a crossing [3]; after 700 m keep right on the main road. Follow the hairpin bend [4] of this road still climbing in the direction of Molveno. Just before the tunnels, turn right following the old road (5) to admire a stunning landscape on the gorges of Deggia and Limarò. At the next intersection (6), after about 3.7 kilometers, turn right towards Moline and after 100 meters turn left heading towards Ranzo (7). You will arrive at the locality “Dos de la Cros” (8) through a dirt road that goes up and down for 2 kilometers. Then turn right and proceed on a singletrail (9); here descent lovers will have a lot of fun because the first section of the trail is quite steep, but then it gets flatter. After 1.5 kilometers you will enter another road leading to an interception; there turn left and cycle towards the little church (10). Pass it and keep on riding on a steep descent that arrives at Moline di Deggia (12), then cross the bridge that traverses the gorge and climb up towards San Lorenzo. When you find a little chapel with a cross (13), after about 12 kilometers, carry on straight ahead until you reach the point of departure.

  • end point

    San Lorenzo in Banale

required equipment

Trail - XC - Ebike Helmet Maps - GPS - Mobile Phone - K/Way - Tools kit & repair kit for tires Water - Snack Bring everything needed for a journey in self-sufficiency

Tips for the tour

San Lorenzo in Banale, uno dei Borghi più belli d'Italia


  • Difficulty

  • Fitness

  • Experience

  • Landscape

Recommended season

  • Jan.
  • Feb.
  • Mar.
  • Apr.
  • May
  • Jun.
  • Jul.
  • Aug.
  • Sep.
  • Oct.
  • Nov.
  • Dec.


self-arranged arrival
From the North: Motorway A 22 to San Michele all'Adige and then SS 43 through Mezzolombardo; just after the town, we'll go left (SP 64), following the signs to Altopiano della Paganella; in Andalo town centre, we'll go left (SS 421), to Molveno and San Lorenzo in Banale.   From the South:  Motorway A 22 to Trento Sud: at the round about, you'll follow the signs to Terme di Comano/Tione di Trento/Madonna di Campiglio. After approx. 30kms, you'll turn right to Villa Banale/San Lorenzo in Banale/Molveno.
San Lorenzo in Banale - c/o Sportcentre Promeghin.

public transport
Trentino Trasporti - line 201 (from Trento to Ponte Arche) and line 208 (from Ponte Arche to San Lorenzo Dorsino)

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