Excursion at Cros de Mala

    • (0)

Duration 2.8 h

Distance 7.0 km

Ascend 406 hm

Descent 406 hm

Max. height 1590 m

Excursion at Cros de Mala - Description

Walk with an interesting view on Val dei Mocheni and Caldonazzo lake 
The Cros de Mala is one of the most south mountain of Altopiano di Pinè, with panoramica and quiet view. If you want to enjoy this itinerary, the advice it's to do it in autumn when the deciduous wood "explode" of colours


  • Start

    Car park at the entrance to the forest road or piazza di Faida di Piné (info in the "how to get there" section)

    After parking (info in the "how to get there" section), you take the forest road in north-east directio; the road is in slight climb but with a nice slope.
    Follow for about 2Km, and after a hairpin bend to the right, leave for a climb path that started at the left of the forest road ("strada militare" indications - incomplete and cornerstone Dos dei Pini 1506m").
    The path continues immersed in the wood in north-east direction and soon after reaches a clearing; go through this one continuing in south-east direction on the path tracks. The path steep clims in the wood to win the last slope and then continue more gently until reach Cros de Mala.
    Arrived on the highest point the panorama is incredible: the Val dei Mocheni that with an information panel illustrates us the various peaks of this valley, the Caldonazzo lake, the Vigolana, the Brenta group, etc... the mountain they develop as far as the eye can see and "feed" looks and emotion. On the top there's a stop point with benches and tables to eat a sandwich or talk together.
     The tour continuing: with "Mala" indication, take the forest road in descent in south-west direction; go along it for about 500m until an intersections of roads where there's a green pole (coordinate N46°6’19,0 E11°16’6,4 quote 1502 m) and take the only climb street in north-east direction for 200m until a vertical signage that says "M. Brada ruderi baracche 0,05".
    Here - with a 5 minutes variant, go to visit some ancient ovens  of the great war, restructured that reach taking the little flat path near the signage (looking under the highway in the left it's possible reach them easily).
    After have done this variant on the forest road that reconnects on the road that we have done it in climb and follow the same until the started point.

  • end point

    Car park at the entrance to the forest road or piazza di Faida di Piné (info in the "how to get there" section)

required equipment

Even on relatively short easy outings make sure to take all you need so you don't run into trouble if things take an unexpected turn, for example a storm blows up or you have a sudden drop in energy levels. What you should have in your rucksack: water canteen (1L) snacks (e.g. mixed dried fruit or chocolate) First aid kit windproof jacket fleece change of t-shirt and socks (in a plastic bag) make sure to wear or at least bring a pair of long trousers hat sun screen sunglasses gloves whistle to attract attention in an emergency emergency telephone number Mountain Rescue 112   Make sure you're wearing the right footwear for the trail and season. The going can get rough and rocky underfoot and a pair of hiking boots will protect you from sprains. And finally... don't forget to bring your camera! You'll need it to capture the stunning views.

Tips for the tour

Between the interesting point along the proposed track we report the visit of the "baracche dei Russi" site, erected by Russian prisoners during the first phase of the great war of which there's fixed kitchen or ovens. 


  • Difficulty

  • Fitness

  • Technique

  • Experience

  • Landscape

Recommended season

  • Jan.
  • Feb.
  • Mar.
  • Apr.
  • May
  • Jun.
  • Jul.
  • Aug.
  • Sep.
  • Oct.
  • Nov.
  • Dec.


self-arranged arrival
Dall’autostrada A22 del Brennero (da sud uscita Trento sud – da nord uscita Trento nord) e dalla Statale 12 del Brennero, prosegui per la S.S. 47 della Valsugana per Pergine Valsugana – Padova fino al bivio della Mochena per Altopiano di Piné, per poi transitare sulla S.P. 83 di Piné fino all’abitato di Faida. 150 metri prima della piazza di Faida, imboccare a sx la strada asfaltata in direzione sud e percorrerla per 1,5 km; al bivio prendere a sx con indicazioni “M. Brada ruderi baracche 0.50” e non “passo capriolo”. Dopo 200 metri prendere la strada a dx in salita e parcheggiare sul tornante nei pressi del cartello di divieto in un evidente slargo all’ interno della curva. Il tempo stimato necessario per raggiungere il parcheggio all'imbocco della forestale a piedi da Faida paese è di circa 45 minuti.
Se si parte da Faida di Piné nei pressi della chiesa ci sono alcuni posti auto; se si parte dal “parcheggio in alto” parcheggiare sul tornante nei pressi del cartello di divieto in un evidente slargo all’ interno della curva.

public transport
Dalla stazione delle corriere di Trento prendere la linea B402 (Trento - Nogarè - Baselga di Pinè -Montesover) e scendere a Baselga di Piné. Prendere poi la linea B404 (Baselga di Pinè - Faida - Montagnaga) e scendere a Faida di Piné.

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