Excursion at the panoramic point Dos del Cuz

    • (0)

Duration 2.0 h

Distance 5.8 km

Ascend 108 hm

Descent 108 hm

Max. height 941 m

Excursion at the panoramic point Dos del Cuz - Description

Ring tour between the Argentario wood among nature, art and geology. 
Naturalistic and geological interesting point that passes through the Argentario territory offering stops of beauty between alpine lakes like Santa Colomba lake and panoramic point like Dos of Cuz; there is no lack of art thanks for the wood sculpture that caraterizing the path of the gnomes of Fornace, part of the route. 


  • Start

    S. Colomba lake

    From the S. Colomba lake follow the indication for "dos dei brusadi" on the north shore of the lake, soon after take the path n. 421 for Monte Piano/Fornace and arriving in Val dei Ferri locality follow for "le acque".
    This part of the tour it's interesting for it's good sculpture in wood wich we meet on the path with information panel next to upon wich there's explain the gnomes stories.
    After the "gnoma spazzafoglie" sculpture, always with indication Dos del Cuz take the 471 path and after "the elder" sculpture, at the green pole, go right. Arriving at Dos del Cuz it's oper the panorama over Valsugana and Civezzano.
    To accomplish the ring tour, from Dos del Cuz follow for Mazzanigo / Barbaniga; finding us at others crossroads take "le acque" and "Santa Colomba lake" on n° 30 and then n° 18 paths, returning in a short time to the starting point.

  • end point

    S. Colomba lake

required equipment

Even on relatively short easy outings make sure to take all you need so you don't run into trouble if things take an unexpected turn, for example a storm blows up or you have a sudden drop in energy levels. What you should have in your rucksack: water canteen (1L) snacks (e.g. mixed dried fruit or chocolate) First aid kit windproof jacket fleece change of t-shirt and socks (in a plastic bag) make sure to wear or at least bring a pair of long trousers hat sun screen sunglasses gloves whistle to attract attention in an emergency emergency telephone number Mountain Rescue 112 Make sure you're wearing the right footwear for the trail and season. The going can get rough and rocky underfoot and a pair of hiking boots will protect you from sprains. And finally... don't forget to bring your camera! You'll need it to capture the stunning views.


  • Difficulty

  • Fitness

  • Technique

  • Experience

  • Landscape

Recommended season

  • Jan.
  • Feb.
  • Mar.
  • Apr.
  • May
  • Jun.
  • Jul.
  • Aug.
  • Sep.
  • Oct.
  • Nov.
  • Dec.


self-arranged arrival
Dall’autostrada A22 del Brennero (da sud uscita Trento sud – da nord uscita Trento nord) e dalla Statale 12 del Brennero, prosegui per la S.S. 47 della Valsugana per Pergine Valsugana – Padova fino al bivio della Mochena per Altopiano di Piné, per poi transitare sulla S.P. 71 in direzione Lona-Lases. Svoltare a sinistra per Albiano e poi seguire le indicazioni per lago di S. Colomba.
Presso il lago di S. Colomba è disponibile un parcheggio libero.

public transport
Dalla stazione delle corriere di Trento prendere la linea B116 in direzione Bosco (Trento - Civezzano - S.Agnese - Bosco) e scendere a S. Agnese di Civezzano. Non ci sono mezzi pubblici che collegano la località di S. Colomba pertanto il luogo di partenza deve essere raggiunto con mezzi propri.    

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