From Fondo to the Tret waterfall

Mountain Hiking 39010 U.L.Frau i.W.-St.Felix / Senale-S.Felice
    • (0)

Duration 4.5 h

Distance 11.4 km

Ascend 350 hm

Descent 350 hm

Max. height 1161 m

From Fondo to the Tret waterfall - Description

A pleasant walk, passing through the woods, with spectacular views of the valley canyon and of the Tret waterfall.
The canyons are an outstanding feature of Val di Non. This walk enables you to view one of the widest of the valley’s canyons, that of "del Mondino", and to go as far as a postion where you can admire the spendid sight of the Tret waterfall. 


  • Start


    From Fondo you go by car along the 238 main road in the direction of Passo Palade. After about a kilometre you will see on the left a large carpentery and the access to the small road, it signposted with a yellow shell symbol, indicating the route of the Jacopeo d’ Anaunia walk. Right here begins the old road that connected Fondo to the nearby district of Tret.
    You can park in the area on the right, and then carefully crossing the road you take the path which takes you to the carpentry. The first stretch is asphalted but after you pass the bar barrier it becomes a dirt track. Follow the way and you enter a wood which is not too dense and has many viewpoints on the canyon and the houses of Dovena on the opposite side of the canyon.
    Go straight on and always keep an eye out for the ummistakable yellow shell sign of the Cammino Jacopeo walk and you will reach the asphalted road which wil take you on to Tret and Hotel Aurora. Once you pass the hotel you will come to a choice of direction point. Here, keep to the right and following the way you will come to a panoramic viewpoint above the Tret waterfall. The road then goes on as far as the German speaking villages of San Felice and Senale.
    If you take the track to the left you will go down quite quickly to the base of the waterfall and from where you will have a better view of the waterfall itself and of the lake which has formed below it. 
    The way back is along the same route as the approach, or alternatively and from the foot of the waterall you can go up the steps which bring you to the panoramic point above the waterfall, and then turn right and go to the district of Tret itself.

  • end point


required equipment

Scarponcini, bastoncini e una borraccia poichè lungo il percorso non si trovano fontane se non all'arrivo a Tret.

Tips for the tour

Questa proposta di escursione parte dal paese di Fondo e segue la vecchia strada che una volta portava al Passo Palade. Chi volesse accorciare il tragitto e fare una semplice passeggiata può recarsi in auto fino alla frazione di Tret e parcheggiare dopo l'albergo Aurora. Da qui si raggiunge la cascata in soli 15 minuti. Il percorso è in ombra al mattino quindi in estate si consiglia di intraprenderlo nelle prime ore della giornata. In autunno e in inverno invece l'escursione è piacevole nel pomeriggio.


  • Difficulty

  • Fitness

  • Experience

  • Landscape

Recommended season

  • Jan.
  • Feb.
  • Mar.
  • Apr.
  • May
  • Jun.
  • Jul.
  • Aug.
  • Sep.
  • Oct.
  • Nov.
  • Dec.


self-arranged arrival
Fondo si trova nell parte più settentrionale della Val di Non. E' raggiungibile dai Passi Mendola e Palade per chi si trova rispettivamente in zona Bolzano e Merano. Dalla provincia di Trento invece sono le statali SS42 e SS43 a portare a Fondo.
Ampi parcheggi gratuiti al bivo per il LAgo Smeraldo e al lago.

Interesting things nearby

The From Fondo to the Tret waterfall tour starts in U.L.Frau i.W.-St.Felix / Senale-S.Felice.