Giro dell'Orizzonte

Mountain Biking
    • (0)

Duration 8.0 h

Distance 50.1 km

Ascend 2223 hm

Descent 2225 hm

Max. height 2202 m

Giro dell'Orizzonte - Description

Have you ever experienced a 14-km, single-track tour that takes you through the Alps over 2,000-metre high and with minimum effort? If you have not, here is your chance.
The Giro dell’Orizzonte ‒ lit. Horizon Tour ‒ follows the route of a century-old military trail trodden during World War I that connects Passo Bruffione to Passo di Val Marza. At a constant height of 2,000 metres, this trail offers a smooth cycle path suitable for regular bikes and eMTB with very few bumpy stretches, like the slope running down from Passo Brealone. It is a super trail, whose level of fun is only matched by the beauty of the surrounding scenery: the Adamello massif to the North, Tremalzo and Monte Baldo to the East, the lonely mountain range of Passo Croce Domini to the West, and the Idro lake to the South.


  • Start

    Storo - Ca Rossa

    The trailhead is located in the town of Condino (available parking space in the town’s main square near the church), where a winding old track takes you all the way up to Brione. Here a narrow paved road leads you into Valle Aperta and to Malga Bondolo. Following the steep military trail climbing up to Passo Bruffione, those who are fit enough will reach a 1,723-metre quota. Should you feel less confident about your stamina level, however, you may choose to take a shuttle bus to Malga Valle Aperta instead, which will save you a good 1,100-metre climb. If you are riding an eMTB make sure to bring along a spare battery.
    From here on you will enjoy a stunning view from a height of over 2,000 metres (highest point 2,220 metres above sea level) while you ride towards the sun, up and down a path that takes you South through Passo Brealone, Passo delle Cornelle, Passo di Val Marza, and Col delle Cornelle. The track is mostly regular, with the exception of a couple of passages where slightly bigger rocks may shake this otherwise smooth ride. As you approach Malga Dosso Rotondo, the trail turns towards Malga Vacil and Faserno, following a narrow paved road that winds down the mountain side to the town of Storo.
    The last stretch of the tour will take you back to the trailhead in Condino through the cycle path.
    The Giro dell’Orizzonte is a unique super trail, as it allows you to enjoy a smooth and almost effortless ride, with no need to push your bike ‒ you will only need a sufficient fitness level and good steering skills, or, when riding an eMTB, a spare battery. Breathtaking views and great fun await you on this tour through a territory that bikers have never explored before.
    Author: Uli Stanciu

  • end point

    Storo - Loc. Ca' Rossa

Tips for the tour

Possibilità di partenza dal paese di Condino (parcheggio sulla piazza principale presso la chiesa)


  • Difficulty

  • Fitness

  • Technique

  • Experience

  • Landscape

Recommended season

  • Jan.
  • Feb.
  • Mar.
  • Apr.
  • May
  • Jun.
  • Jul.
  • Aug.
  • Sep.
  • Oct.
  • Nov.
  • Dec.

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