Hike to the Rifugio Malga Campei di Sopra

Mountain Hiking
    • (0)

Duration 3.0 h

Distance 6.0 km

Ascend 579 hm

Descent 576 hm

Max. height 1470 m

Hike to the Rifugio Malga Campei di Sopra - Description

Climb onto the panoramic balcony of the Rifugio Campei
The Rifugio Malga Campei di Sopra is located on a beautiful meadow which dominates the entire Vallagarina from above.


  • Start

    Festa - Brentonico (890m)

    From the Festa locality, you walk along the road with directions indicated for the Rifugio Campei, trail number 650. Soon you meet a fork, where you go left, in the direction of the Rifugio Campei, continuing to follow the same trail marker. You continue along a mule track and then along a trail, climbing steeply through the woods, until you come out near the large meadows of Malga Campei di Sotto.
    Continuing along the same trail, you continue, rejoining the mule track, which is still marked with number 650, and climbs up to the clearing at the Rifugio Malga Campei di Sopra (1470m), with its spectacular broad view.
    To return, you follow the same route backwards.

  • end point

    Rifugio Malga Campei di Sopra (1470m)

required equipment

Hiking boots/shoes, windbreaker, a change of clothes.

Tips for the tour

The Rifugio Campei is a popular stopover and arrival point for several mountain bike itineraries. An experience that is undoubtedly worth trying.


  • Difficulty

  • Fitness

  • Technique

  • Experience

  • Landscape

Recommended season

  • Jan.
  • Feb.
  • Mar.
  • Apr.
  • May
  • Jun.
  • Jul.
  • Aug.
  • Sep.
  • Oct.
  • Nov.
  • Dec.


self-arranged arrival
You reach Mori with roads SS240 or SP90, and there you take road SP3, and follow it to the town of Brentonico. Here, you turn off, following the directions for Festa locality (890 m).
Free parking in Festa – Brentonico (890m).

Interesting things nearby