Hiking Tour Valdaora/Olang

Hikes 39030 Olang / Valdaora
    • (0)

Duration 5.3 h

Distance 15.1 km

Ascend 1207 hm

Descent 1213 hm

Max. height 1888 m

Hiking Tour Valdaora/Olang - Description

The tour is a beautiful hike above Valdaora-Olang with fantastic views. The tour starts near the Panorama restaurant in Valdaora di Sopra-Oberolang and it goes on the road no. 6 in a constant pitch for "Angerer Albl" and from there to Lanzwiesen Alm mountain hut. Both cottages are managed in the summer and invite you to a traditional specialties. From here then start the scale path (Almsteig) above the treeline to Brunst mountain hut. When you arrive at Brunst hut, which is also farmed in the summer, you stay on the trail 20 and returns to Valdaora di Sopra back to the starting point.


  • Difficulty

  • Fitness

  • Technique

  • Experience

  • Landscape

Recommended season

  • Jan.
  • Feb.
  • Mar.
  • Apr.
  • May
  • Jun.
  • Jul.
  • Aug.
  • Sep.
  • Oct.
  • Nov.
  • Dec.


self-arranged arrival
Coming from Innsbruck/Brenner (A): Drive on the Highway of Brenner (A22) until the exit Brixen/Pustertal, then go on along the SS49-E66 for about 50kms until you arrive in Olang/Valdaora. Coming from Lienz (A): You can reach us also padding by Lienz in Westtyrol (A). You have to cross the Austrian-Italian border between Ahrnbach and Winnebach (B100-E66) and drive on the SS46-E66 until Olang/Valdaora Coming from Bozen: Highway of Brenner (A22) until the exit Brixen/Pustertal, then go on along the SS49-E66 for about 50kms until you arrive in Olang/Valdaora.

Interesting things nearby

The Hiking Tour Valdaora/Olang tour starts in Olang / Valdaora.