Hiking trail - Croz di Primalunetta

Mountain Hiking
    • (0)

Duration 4.3 h

Distance 14.6 km

Ascend 1029 hm

Descent 1025 hm

Max. height 2301 m

Hiking trail - Croz di Primalunetta - Description

It is a hike that mixes nature and culture in an uncontaminated environment. 
At the top of Croz di Primalunetta, several works have been carried out to adjust the italian stronghold, where the Monrosa battailon fought during WWI (as explained on the info boards).


  • Start

    Rudole bridge

    Difficulty E: Excursionistic Route The trekking starts out from the San Bortolo chapel for those who have the permit, whereas for the others the route is a bit longer (approximately 1 hour) and starts at the parking lot by the Ponte delle Rudole bridge.
    From the fields of Primalunetta, passing through Malga Primalunetta an ancient way is followed that has been fixed by volunteers and retired people of Spera, which leads to path L34 and to Monte Cenone and afterwards to Croz of Primalunetta. In the valley that represented the stronghold of Monrosa battailon, various paths reinforced with stones, emergency admission are found that have been renovated. From this outpost, it is possible to imagine which type of view the italian soldiers had, when controlling a good part of the Valsugana and Lagorai. The way back is done going down to the lakes of Buse di Pio, and then following the path fixed by the volunteers up to San Bortolo church.

  • end point

    Rudole bridge

required equipment

The usual outfit for excursions to the mountain is advised (trekking clothing and boots, a raincoat).

Tips for the tour

Walk slowly and silently: on your same steps have walked hundreds of Italian soldiers during WWI.


  • Difficulty

  • Fitness

  • Technique

  • Experience

  • Landscape

Recommended season

  • Jan.
  • Feb.
  • Mar.
  • Apr.
  • May
  • Jun.
  • Jul.
  • Aug.
  • Sep.
  • Oct.
  • Nov.
  • Dec.


self-arranged arrival
From the Valsugana highway 47, take the exit for Strigno and drive on to Spera to follow the single road that takes to Val Campelle.
Parking lot at Ponte delle Rudole, or for those who have a permit, drive to the car park of Primalunetta.

public transport
Non ci sono mezzi pubblici che servono la zona.

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