Il sentiero dell'Anza Rossa 11

    • (0)

Duration 1.5 h

Distance 4.5 km

Ascend 132 hm

Descent 132 hm

Max. height 813 m

Il sentiero dell'Anza Rossa 11 - Description

 A short walk from Campregheri to the viewpoint in Anza Rossa place with a spectacular view of Lake Caldonazzo. Along the same promenade you can reach the archaeological site of the Torre dei Sicconi.
Croz dell'Anza Rossa is the name of the place from which you can enjoy an extraordinary view of Lake Caldonazzo and the crown of mountains that define the valley furrow of the Valsugana. The belvedere, used as an anti-aircraft post during the two world wars, lends itself to taking panoramic photographs on a beautiful stretch of the Valsugana. The route, round-trip from Campregheri, takes place on unpaved roads with a modest drop and also allows you to easily reach the archaeological site of Torre dei Sicconi recently equipped for a visit with a historical naturalistic path with illustrative panels of medieval castles of Valsugana that winds in an area planted with vineyards to other varieties of vegetables, flowers and ancient fruits.


  • Start

    Frazione di Campregheri

    Starting from the center of Campregheri, walk towards Anza Rossa, 1.4 km away, following the signs for the white-red signs "IL SENTIERO DELL'ANZA ROSSA 11" (itinerary 11). Then continue to the site of Torre dei Sicconi, about 1 km away and from there passing through Maso Piatelle after 2 km you return to the starting point in Campregheri.

  • end point

    Frazione di Campregheri

required equipment

Abbigliamento sportivo, scarpe da ginnastica o da trekking.

Tips for the tour

The route allows quick and easy access to a viewpoint from which to take panoramic photographs of the Valsugana and Lake Caldonazzo. Don't forget your camera!


  • Difficulty

  • Fitness

  • Technique

  • Experience

  • Landscape

Recommended season

  • Jan.
  • Feb.
  • Mar.
  • Apr.
  • May
  • Jun.
  • Jul.
  • Aug.
  • Sep.
  • Oct.
  • Nov.
  • Dec.


self-arranged arrival
Da Trento sulla S.S. 349 fino a Vattaro (12 km). Dalla Valsugana sulla SP1 da Calceranica verso Bosentino poi sulla S.S. 349 fino Vattaro (6,1 km da Calceranica). In entrambi i casi, superato Vattaro, proseguire sulla S.S. 349 in direzione Vicenza per circa 2 km, poi svoltare a sinistra e seguire le indicazioni per Campregheri.
Buone possibilità di parcheggio all'inizio del nucleo abitato della frazione Campregheri

Interesting things nearby