Laghetto di Ortisé (lake)

Mountain Hiking
    • (0)

Duration 3.6 h

Distance 9.0 km

Ascend 647 hm

Descent 1814 hm

Max. height 2450 m

Laghetto di Ortisé (lake) - Description

An excursion into a little-visited, unspoilt area in the Vegaia – Tremenesca mountain range.
The destination of this enjoyable panoramic route is little Lake Ortisè (Laghetto di Ortisè) at 2,450 m asl. The road to reach it follows a natural terrace with wide views out over Val di Sole, the Brenta Dolomites, and Presanella. 
This route is part of the Uno Di Un Milione project. Here, through the QR codes on the original water bottles and the dedicated app, you can take part in an experience of art, relation and participation that will help you explore the water running through Val di Sole, discovering how the community in this valley has creatively imagined its own vision of protection for the environment and future generations. Want to know more? Visit


  • Start

    Malga Stabli

    Reach Malga Stabli on foot or by car from Ortisè and from here continue on foot along the forest road marked with 121A trail signs, which enters the wood towards Val Molinaccio. From here, after a short stretch through a wood of fir and larch trees, you will come to Malga Bronzolo (2,085 m asl) from where you can admire fantastic views. From the malga, head north following a stretch of the 121A trail towards Malga del Monte, which however you will leave as soon as it turns eastwards, keeping along the ridge with vague traces. After a stretch of moderate gradient, the route levels out, offering extensive views of Brenta, Presanella and the top of wide Val Molinaccio, where the River Valletta flows through pastures. Your direction is aided by an aqueduct pipe that brings water to Malga Bronzolo that you can simply follow straight to Lake Ortisè. A spectacular river drops noisily into the green waters of the lake in this peaceful corner of paradise. You return along the same uphill route or, as a harder alternative, via wide Val Molinaccio and dropping down through some swampy zones until you come to the path that leads back to Malga Stabli. Yet another alternative that avoids the swampy parts is down through Val Molinaccio to the hut visible on the left-hand side of the valley, where a path takes you back onto the forest road tha leads to Malga Stabli.

  • end point

    Laghetto di Ortisé

required equipment

When setting out on an excursion in the mountains, it is always a good idea to: wear hiking boots suitable for loose, uneven or wet terrain, long trousers, a cap and sunglasses; put a waterproof jacket, fleece sweater, hat and gloves, sun cream and a minimum change of clothing into your backpack; take a bottle of water and snacks with you for an instant energy boost (dried fruit, energy bars or chocolate); remember your camera or mobile phone for immortalising the views and favourite sights. If you like, you can then share them on social media at the hashtags #visitvaldisole and #spazioaltuotempo.


  • Difficulty

  • Fitness

  • Technique

  • Experience

  • Landscape

Recommended season

  • Jan.
  • Feb.
  • Mar.
  • Apr.
  • May
  • Jun.
  • Jul.
  • Aug.
  • Sep.
  • Oct.
  • Nov.
  • Dec.


self-arranged arrival
Stay on the S.S. 42 state road and, between Mezzana and Pellizzano, turn right (coming from Malè-Dimaro-Mezzana) onto the S.P. 40 provincial road towards Termenago-Castello-Ortisè. Continue for about 8 km, until you get to the town of Ortisè on your left. You can park and continue on foot or continue by car to Malga Stabli (1,814 m asl).
Car parks in the square in front of the church and near Malga Stabli.

public transport
You can reach Ortisè with the Trentino Trasporti PELLIZZANO - MENAS bus service (download bus times).

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