Malga Juribello

    • (0)

Duration 0.8 h

Distance 2.4 km

Ascend 100 hm

Descent 2 hm

Max. height 1867 m

Malga Juribello - Description

Short and simple route to admire the majesty of the Pale di San Martino.  The malga offers various dishes with cheese, made in theyr own dairy.
The beginning of the wide and comfortable dirt road that leads to malga (alpine dairy) Juribello is located about two kilometers before Passo Rolle going up from Predazzo. The beauty of the place will repay you for the effort of the small final climb. You walk in the heart of the Paneveggio Natural Park, at the foot of the soaring Pale di San Martino Dolomiti Unesco. In the malga you can taste delicious dishes and the cheeses produced by the alpine dairy itself! A true paradise for the whole family!


  • Start

    Fourth hairpin after Bellamonte, on the road direction Passo Rolle

    When you reach the fourth hairpin turn of the road that from Paneveggio goes to Passo Rolle, turn left, park your car and start walking on the dirt road closed to traffic until you get at the malga.
    At the beginning, the road is in the wood, then it reaches the pasture of the alpine dairy where you can see the rugged and imposing outline of Pale di San Martino.
    Way back on the same path.

  • end point

    Malga (dairy) Juribello

required equipment

Hiking shoes, rain-jacket, hiking poles, water, sun cream.

Tips for the tour

The malga can be the starting point for further excursions such as that of the Thinking Christ on Monte Castelaz.


  • Difficulty

  • Fitness

  • Technique

  • Experience

  • Landscape

Recommended season

  • Jan.
  • Feb.
  • Mar.
  • Apr.
  • May
  • Jun.
  • Jul.
  • Aug.
  • Sep.
  • Oct.
  • Nov.
  • Dec.


self-arranged arrival
From Predazzo take the road direction Passo Rolle.
After Paneveggio you will find a parking possibility after the 4° hairpin turn.

Interesting things nearby