Nordic Walking - Pian di Mela Tour

Nordic Walking
    • (0)

Duration 2.1 h

Distance 4.4 km

Ascend 315 hm

Descent 307 hm

Max. height 874 m

Nordic Walking - Pian di Mela Tour - Description

Close to the town of Cinte Tesino, this circular track is a nice and simple walk not far away from the town centre. The track, 4.4 km long, takes you through forest and open spaces characterized by fields, old farmhouses and landscapes on the group of Cima d’Asta and the village of Castle Tesino. The route is partly on paved road and partly on dirt roads.


  • Start

    Cinte Tesino

  • end point

    Cinte Tesino


  • Difficulty

  • Fitness

  • Experience

  • Landscape

Recommended season

  • Jan.
  • Feb.
  • Mar.
  • Apr.
  • May
  • Jun.
  • Jul.
  • Aug.
  • Sep.
  • Oct.
  • Nov.
  • Dec.

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