Ormanico Loop

    • (0)

Duration 1.5 h

Distance 3.7 km

Ascend 181 hm

Descent 182 hm

Max. height 913 m

Ormanico Loop - Description

This hike is an easy and well-marked loop around the built-up area of Transacqua, on the bottom of Valle del Primiero. Despite being a very short tour around the town, it still offers some beautiful views of neighbouring towns like Fiera di Primiero, Transacqua, and Ormanico, as well as Pale di San Martino and Vette Feltrine.
The Sentiero delle Càore (Path of the Goats) was used in the past to bring the goats out of the city to graze in the high grounds, during summer. The first part of the loop passes through Via delle Miniere. At the edges of the town of Transacqua it is in fact still possible to see the last active mine of Primiero (Stol). During the 15th and 16th centuries, the mineral resources of the valley – mainly iron and silver – were used mainly by Austrian families for trading purposes. After being sold to the Welsperg family in 1572 AD, the Stol mine remained active until 1866 under the jurisdiction of the Austrian government. It was later used as a deposit to store fresh goods from a local bar (Bellavista) until the middle of the last century. The two main entrances of the mine are still visible from the hike, while continuing toward the Sentiero delle Càore, you can admire the capital of Santa Barbara (protector of miners).


  • Start

    Entrance Via MIniere

    From the starting point, follow the sidewalk of Via Miniere, slightly uphill. After 300 meters leave behind the junction with via Bellavista and continue along via Miniere, arriving at the junction of the latter with via Caltene. On the left you can see the capital of Santa Barbara (protector of miners) and immediately to the side take the ‘troi delle Caore’ (path of the Goats). After a first part entirely in the woods, the landscape opens up, making room for the meadows and the view of the Pale di San Martino, as well as the villages of the upper Primiero. You then reach Villa Caneva, the historical home of the Stol Mine. Following the route and the signs for ‘troi delle Caore’ you reach the highest point of the route, to then enter the woods again and descend along a stone pavement, up to the Al Prà restaurant. From this point the road returns to being completely paved and allows you to reach the towns of Ormanico and Transacqua, so as to reach the point of arrival.

  • end point

    Fountain S. Antonio

required equipment

You just need a normal pair of trainers; a rainproof windproof jacket is highly recommended given the possible meteorological changes on site.

Tips for the tour

The route has recently been completely renovated and today you can do it entirely by bicycle or take a walk for a few hours. During winter, the path can actually be frozen, due to the low sun exposure of some parts of it and the humidity of the forest. Excellent hike to do with your dog, or if equipped with a pushchair.


  • Difficulty

  • Fitness

  • Technique

  • Experience

  • Landscape

Recommended season

  • Jan.
  • Feb.
  • Mar.
  • Apr.
  • May
  • Jun.
  • Jul.
  • Aug.
  • Sep.
  • Oct.
  • Nov.
  • Dec.


self-arranged arrival
Le possibilità di raggiungere Transacqua sono diverse: Arrivare in auto:   1) l’itinerario migliore A13 (Bologna-Padova) uscita Padova Sud oppure Padova Ovest SS47 della Valsugana (direzione Bassano/Trento) fino a Cismon del Grappa SS50bis (direzione Feltre/Belluno) fino ad Arten SS50 per Primiero, San Martino e Passo Rolle Nota: 130 km circa da Padova a Transacqua; il tratto Padova-Cittadella della statale nr. 47 della Valsugana è molto trafficato nei giorni feriali.   2) A4 (Torino-Trieste) fino a Vicenza + A31(Vicenza-Valdastico) uscita Dueville  SS47 della Valsugana (direzione Bassano/Trento) fino a Cismon del Grappa SS50bis (direzione Feltre/Belluno) fino ad Arten SS50 per Primiero, San Martino e Passo Rolle Nota: 100 km circa da Dueville a Transacqua.   3) A22 (Modena-Verona-Brennero) uscita Trento Sud SS47 della Valsugana (direzione Bassano/Padova) fino a Cismon del Grappa SS50bis (direzione Feltre/Belluno) fino ad Arten SS50 per Primiero, San Martino e Passo Rolle Nota: 110 km circa da Trento a Transacqua; gran parte del tratto Trento-Cismon del Grappa della statale nr. 47 della Valsugana è una superstrada molto veloce.    4) A22 (Modena-Verona-Brennero) uscita Egna-Ora (BZ)  SS48 (direzione Val di Fiemme - Val di Fassa) fino a Predazzo SS50 per Passo Rolle, San Martino di Castrozza e Primiero (nell’ordine) Nota: 70 km circa da Ora a Transacqua.
In the built-up area of Transacqua there are several parking spots.

public transport

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