Sentiero delle Glare

Mountain Hiking
    • (0)

Duration 1.8 h

Distance 11.4 km

Ascend 63 hm

Descent 416 hm

Max. height 1197 m

Sentiero delle Glare - Description

A pinch of American charm can be found in this route that runs practically downhill between the car park of Lake Tovel and the "Al Capriolo" site.   The trail shows an initial stretch through woods of fir and pine trees and then comes out into the open on the Glare stony ground, created by a large landslide that broke away from the walls above, finally ending beside a stream that placidly descends into the valley.   If you drive up, you are bound to pass through the Glare area but you will not be able t
Un pizzico di fascino americano è presente in questo percorso che si sviluppa praticamente in discesa tra il parcheggio del lago di Tovel e la località al Capriolo. Il sentiero percorre un tratto iniziale tra bosco di abeti e pini per uscire poi allo scoperto sulla pietraia delle Glare, nata da una grande frana che si è staccata dalle pareti soprastanti, e terminare a fianco di un ruscello che placido discende verso valle. Salendo con l'auto si passa nella zona delle Glare ma questa non consente di apprezzare appieno l'unicità di questo tratto di valle, meglio una bella passeggiata.


  • Start

    Car park at Lake Tovel (1176 m/3857 ft)

    It is advisable to leave the car in the "Al Capriolo" area (770 m) and, taking advantage of the shuttle bus provided by the Adamello – Brenta Park, go up to the car park near Lake Tovel (1176 m). You can also opt to drive up to the parking lot straight away and then come back with the bus (you are advised against walking back).
    On arriving at the car park, you will see at the park information point a board that outlines the characteristics of the path you will follow.
    Continue in a NW direction, toward the car park; at a first crossroads with fountain go down to the right (green park sign reading 'Giro delle Glare').
    You arrive at the end of the road, where it begins to climb, and you turn right (sign).
    First a brief section with ups and downs, and then headlong down a nice path to Val di Tovel (steep section); at the end of the path you move to a narrow dirt road.
    Once you reach an area well equipped for picnic, near the tarmac road, turn left and go back on the path (sign).
    At the crossroads to Malga Tuena go down to the right and move again to a dirt road, only to go back on a path near the tarmac road of Val di Tovel.
    In its central part the path runs parallel to the tarmac road, initially keeping on its left; it then moves to its right until the end of the route.
    At about 1000 m altitude you will find, at the start of the detrital section (Dosso delle Glare), a sign indicating a panoramic spot. Leave the main trail, cross the road and climb up the opposite side (10') to arrive at a clearing with information boards and a wider view on the large landslide.
    After returning to the main trail, continue the descent, keeping only a little detached from the tarmac road but distant enough so that it will not bother you.
    Unwinding through the rocks, and taking advantage of islands with vegetation, the trail descends to the ephemeral ponds, two pools of water at the base of the huge detrital deposit and from here, now on flatter ground, leads you to the tamburello court.
    Walk on the right side of the court and, with a final stretch next to the stream, after passing by a characteristic pool of water, you will arrive at the "Al Capriolo" site (770 m).

  • end point

    Al Capriolo (770 m/2525 ft)

Tips for the tour

A route suitable for everyone, but attention must be paid during the hottest hours of summer days because in the Dosso delle Glare section the sun is very strong and there is no water. The trail was traced on the left part of the large detrital deposit in a place devoid of vegetation. In its central section the route passes close to the road, which is therefore within easy reach in case of need.


  • Difficulty

  • Fitness

  • Technique

  • Experience

  • Landscape

Recommended season

  • Jan.
  • Feb.
  • Mar.
  • Apr.
  • May
  • Jun.
  • Jul.
  • Aug.
  • Sep.
  • Oct.
  • Nov.
  • Dec.


self-arranged arrival
Reach the hamlet of Tuenno in Val di Non, on the right side (looking downstream) of the valley. In the SW area of the village there are signs to Lake Tovel. Here begins the road that climbs for 11 km up the Val di Tovel.   Access to the valley is free during the low season. From late June until the end of August traffic management is entrusted to the Adamello – Brenta Park Authority.   In this period you will find in the Capriolo area (about halfway through the valley) traffic barriers that obey the following rules: 1) before 9.00 am and after 6.00 pm there is free access to the lake car park 2). From 9.00 am to 10.30 am you pay to park and you can drive up to the lake 3). From 10.30 am to 6.00 pm you cannot drive to the lake and you must leave the car on the open Capriolo spaces to take advantage of the shuttle bus service. Walking to the lake from the Capriolo area is not recommended given the length of the walk (5 km /3.2 mi).

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