Tour of Lake Tovel

    • (0)

Duration 1.5 h

Distance 4.2 km

Ascend 185 hm

Descent 185 hm

Max. height 1209 m

Tour of Lake Tovel - Description

Nice scenic hike around the famous Lake Tovel, int he heart of the Brenta Dolomites.  
Lake Tovel is one of the most visited spots in the Dolomites. The water is so clear that some people call it Trentino’s Caribbean and above all because, in autumn, the trees around the lake are a riot of colours that you cannot miss.


  • Start

    Car park at lake (1176 m)

    After having parked the car go back to the tarmac road, near the information centre of the Adamello – Brenta Park.
    Walk towards the road barrier. Just before a little bridge turn left, where there’s a sign announcing the starting point of the “Giro del Lago “ (Lake Tour) trail.
    Leave the road and continue alongside the small Tresenica stream, keeping on the left-hand side.
    When you reach the lake (5'), turn right, cross over the bridge and enjoy the first spectacular view of this lake and the enchanting hollow in which it is set.
    Walk uphill for a short stretch back onto the road near the Miralago Hotel.
    Turn left once again and continue along the lane through the forest to the Park Visitors Centre. We recommend you visit the centre (free entrance). The lane then moves away from the lake and climbs in the forest, with many trails leading down to the lakeside.
    From the Visitors Centre (just below which there’s a nice little beach with an inviting field, picnic tables and seating) the trail continues first downhill and then on flat ground.
    The lane winds its way along the shore of the lake, just a few metres from the water. You’ll see many private boats moored along this stretch of the shore, while on the right-hand side you can admire some picturesque Alpine mountain houses.
    At the end of the lane, near an information board, continue along the trail on flat ground on the opposite side of the lake from the arrival point, with some beautiful beaches that gently descend into the crystal-clear water of the lake.
    Continue here until you reach a large gravel deposit in the lake, produced by one of the mountain streams that flow into it. Here the trail ends and you must trace your steps back to the car park.
    From here it’s a short detour to the Rislà waterfall, about 10’ away, on your way back to the departure point, or else you can continue along the eastern shore of the lake on a trail that is more difficult, but also well-equipped with cables and a wood parapet (this trail is classified by the Adamello-Brenta Park authorities as “dangerous”). It’s up to you whether to try it or not. The trail climbs up and over several ledges facing the lake and is the shortest way back to the departure point.

  • end point

    Car park at lake (1176 m)

required equipment

Hiking shoes are reccomended.

Tips for the tour

The road that leads to the lake is closed in winter. The lake is accessible from Easter until November. 


  • Difficulty

  • Fitness

  • Technique

  • Experience

  • Landscape

Recommended season

  • Jan.
  • Feb.
  • Mar.
  • Apr.
  • May
  • Jun.
  • Jul.
  • Aug.
  • Sep.
  • Oct.
  • Nov.
  • Dec.


self-arranged arrival
Reach the village of Tuenno in Val di Non, on the right-hand bank of the valley. On the south-west side of the village there are directions for Lake Tovel. Here begins the road that climbs up the Val Tovel, for about 11 km . 

Interesting things nearby