Tour of Porte Rendena

    • (0)

Duration 7.0 h

Distance 18.1 km

Ascend 1520 hm

Descent 1497 hm

Max. height 1208 m

Tour of Porte Rendena - Description

A lovely outing to explore the villages and landmarks of Vigo, Villa, Verdesina, Darè and Javrè, all of which are municipalities in Porte di Rendena, through Val di San Valentino.
On January 1, 2016, the three towns of Darè, Vigo and Villa Rendena merged to form the new municipality of Porte di Rendena. Rich in interesting landmarks, these stunning alpine villages feature examples of local architecture, and the great many mountain huts and cabins that dot the slopes of Val di San Valentino testify to area’s ancient, pastoral past. Darè was once a typical Rendena-valley rural village, with its stone houses built one right next to the other featuring their characteristic shingles and decorative doorways sporting family crests. This ancient village was destroyed by fire in the mid-1900s, but it preserves traces of its past in the heart of town. Vigo Rendena rises partly up the eastern slopes of Corno Basso and partly runs along the valley floor along the edge of a vast agricultural area. This village, too, was destroyed by fire in 1929 and was nearly entirely rebuilt. Villa Rendena, at the southern end of the Rendena Valley, also includes the villages of Verdesina and Javrè. The municipality was not spared from the plague of the 1600s and, like all villages of the broader area, has been rebuilt after being destroyed by fire, which burned the wooden superstructures of the village’s typically massive homes. Piazza Maggiore features a number of interesting frescoes of a religious nature.


  • Start

    Vigo Rendena

    From the center of Vigo Rendena, head up to the west along the old road to Calvera. Past the capitello della Madonna (a religious landmark dedicated to the Virgin Mary), continue on to Prà da Fera and then to Casal, then take the road to Val di San Valentino. From here, head down and then gradually uphill across the Villa Rendena hills to Savarole and then down to the center of Verdesina and on to Villa, Javrè and Darè before coming back to the starting point in Vigo Rendena. There is the option to head back halfway through this itinerary at the road to Val di San Valentino and going past the church of the same name. The circuit can also be done starting from Villa Rendena or Verdesina.

  • end point

    Vigo Rendena

required equipment

Hiking boots, hat and windbreaker recommended. 

Tips for the tour

Choose the best itinerary based on the landmarks you most want to visit.


  • Difficulty

  • Fitness

  • Technique

  • Experience

  • Landscape

Recommended season

  • Jan.
  • Feb.
  • Mar.
  • Apr.
  • May
  • Jun.
  • Jul.
  • Aug.
  • Sep.
  • Oct.
  • Nov.
  • Dec.


self-arranged arrival
Vigo Rendena is located 24 km (15 mi.) south of Madonna di Campiglio along highway SS 239 in Val Rendena.
Parking free of charge near the starting points of the itinerary.

public transport
Trentino Trasporti bus service connects Madonna di Campiglio, Pinzolo and the villages of the Rendena valley, including Tione and Spiazzo Rendena, with daily routes. Check summer timetable online or get a brochure from the tourist office. You may also check the Trentino Trasporti bus schedule at

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