Tour of the Lases Lake and its sorroundings

    • (0)

Duration 1.5 h

Distance 4.7 km

Ascend 164 hm

Descent 162 hm

Max. height 793 m

Tour of the Lases Lake and its sorroundings - Description

Excursion along the banks of Lases with many curiosities to discover...
Recommended itinerary for the natural science lovers and for families: some information panels positioned on the path, will offer opportunities of knowledge of the particular natural and local ecosystem among biotopes, mountainous bumps, dry stone walls, ice holes and much more.


  • Start

    Lases Lake - lawn beach

    Near the provincial road an information panel welcomes us to the Lona-Lases nature reserve.  Once we get off the beach, we start the tour in a clockwise direction, so we continue eastwards guided by a nice walk.  Now we go up towards the town (yellow arrows) arriving at a crossroads of roads with a fountain, we continue in a north-east direction following the signs for "palù redont".  Arrived at the second crossroads (with the presence of a metal sheet tool shed) we continue straight (and not on the right for "Val Fredda") and at the next fork we take left.
    Once in "Palù Redont", an interesting biotope with the shape of an amphitheater with a diameter of 130-150 meters, we take an uphill path with signs for "Doss Costei" (always follow the yellow arrows drawn on wood) and, before to come out on the provincial road, we turn right reaching a berries' field.  We continue for a while and when we reach a forest road we turn left and then take another on the right. Follow this ignoring the two roads that we will meet going up and that continue to the right; the road goes through hairpin bends and reaches a large information panel dedicated to the Lona-Lases biotope.  From there we follow the signs for "Val Fredda", taking a forest road.  Walking through the "Val Fredda" it is easy to understand the origin of this name and the charm of this place on hot summer afternoons.
    After passing a porphyry quarry, we follow the signs for the "sentiero circumlacuale (circumlacual path)" and continue while enjoying the lake view. This is the most scenic stretch of the proposed tour but also the most technical: the way down develops along a path with some steep steps. Pay attention! The tour continues passing a pink house and continuing among the reeds on the walkway that cuts the biotope south of the lake, together with some typical birds. For short stretches, in the final part, the path stops and runs alongside the provincial road.  Arriving at the well-kept grassy beach, you will soon return to the car parking.

  • end point

    Lases Lake - lawn beach

required equipment

Even on relatively short and easy trips make sure to take all you need in order to don't run into trouble if things take an unexpected turn, for example a storm blows up or you have a sudden drop in energy levels. What you should have in your rucksack:   water canteen (1L) snacks (e.g. mixed dried fruit or chocolate) First aid kit windproof jacket fleece change of t-shirt and socks (in a plastic bag) make sure to wear or at least bring a pair of long trousers hat sun screen sunglasses gloves whistle to attract attention in an emergency emergency telephone number Mountain Rescue 112   Make sure you're wearing the right footwear for the trail and season. The trail can get rough and rocky underfoot and a pair of hiking boots will protect you from sprains. And finally... don't forget to bring your camera! You'll need it to capture the stunning views.

Tips for the tour

Along the proposed route it is possible to observe the Lases Lake in its entirety, appreciating the rich flora and fauna, the “palù redont” biotope, and the "Val Fredda" (which means cold valley) with the characteristic phenomenon of ice holes.


  • Difficulty

  • Fitness

  • Technique

  • Experience

  • Landscape

Recommended season

  • Jan.
  • Feb.
  • Mar.
  • Apr.
  • May
  • Jun.
  • Jul.
  • Aug.
  • Sep.
  • Oct.
  • Nov.
  • Dec.


self-arranged arrival
From the A22 Brenner motorway (from the south exit Trento sud and from the north exit Trento Nord) and from the Brenner S.S. 12, go on the S.S. 47 of Valsugana, direction Padova, untill the junction with Altopiano di Piné. Take the S.P. 71 and follow directions for Lona-Lases. Before the village of Lases you will see the homonymous lake and the car park on the left
Car park on the left before the village of Lases, near the lake

public transport
From the Trento bus station, take line B103 towards Cavalese and get off at Lona-Lases

Interesting things nearby