Trekking to Monte Cogne in winter

Winter Hiking
    • (0)

Duration 3.0 h

Distance 8.4 km

Ascend 471 hm

Descent 471 hm

Max. height 2144 m

Trekking to Monte Cogne in winter - Description

Interesting excursion on one of the more panoramic peak of our territory
Monte Cogne is a top in a strategic position. In this excursion we propose to start from Malga Vernera, in order to reach the summit walking on the great dorsal between Altopiano di Piné and Valfloriana.


  • Start

    Vernera hut (1.677 m)

    From Vernera hut follow the forest southwards that conduces at the small church of the Italin Alpine trooper, for then continuing until Camorè locality (you should encounter some huts). Don't get confused from a forest road that turn left but follow the principal road until Camorè (about 1,7Km from the start). Now leave the forest road for a path on the left with indication "Malga Vasoni Alti e Malga Fregasoga" path n° 468; the path continues steady in the spruce wood. Arrived at some indication that propose again "Malga Vasoni Alti e Rifugio Tonini" turn left, leaving 468 path, for an evident path with "Cimatti e monte Cogne" indication; the chart is attacked on a big tree and not on the wooden pole together with the others. Following this path in short we are in Cimatti locality out of the wood. Now, on n°469 path and with "passo Mirafiori e monte Cogne" indications, continue on a pleasant slope until Frattoni mountain and then until Monte Cogne top. Reaching the summit through the great dorsal between Altopiano di Pinè and Valfloriana is a very exiting experience. Once on the top, we just have to turn 360 degrees on ourselves to admire the hundreds of mountain that sorround us; from the closest, i.e. Fregasoga mountain, Pala delle Buse and Rujoch to the farthest like Marmolada with its magnificent rocky south wall, about 1000 m high, the Ortles-Cevedale group and Brenta grup. The view on the plateau is breathtaking too, with it's two lakes that refelct the sky. The way back takes place on the same route.

  • end point

    Monte Cogne Mountain (La Paleta)

required equipment

See the list below.

Tips for the tour

Among the point of interest along the path we point ouf Località Cimatti and the panoramic summit of Monte Cogne.


  • Difficulty

  • Fitness

  • Technique

  • Experience

  • Landscape

Recommended season

  • Jan.
  • Feb.
  • Mar.
  • Apr.
  • May
  • Jun.
  • Jul.
  • Aug.
  • Sep.
  • Oct.
  • Nov.
  • Dec.


self-arranged arrival
From the A22 Brenner motorway (from the south exit Trento sud - from the north exit Trento north) and from the Brenner state road 12, continue on the S.S. 47 of the Valsugana for Pergine Valsugana - Padua up to the junction of the Mochena for the Piné plateau, and then transiting on the S.P. 71 towards Lona-Lases and Sover, take the direction of Montesover and once in the town of Montesover, follow the signs for Malga Vernera; from here, after several hairpin bends and about 15 minutes by car, we arrive at Malga Vernera.
Malga Vernera.

public transport
From the Trento bus station, take line B403 towards Montesover (Trento - Pergine - Baselga di Pinè - Montesover) or line B402 (Trento - Nogarè - Baselga di Pinè -Montesover) and get off at Montesover. There is no public transport that connects the town of Montesover with Malga Vernera that has to be reached independently.

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