Walk - Arboreto Tour

    • (0)

Duration 1.0 h

Distance 1.0 km

Ascend 18 hm

Descent 24 hm

Max. height 831 m

Walk - Arboreto Tour - Description

This is a trail perfect both for botany and for nature lovers.  
In the heart of the Tesino plateau and surrounded by a natural landscape, this half an hour - trail winds through fields, ponds and woods.
Next to the visitors center it is possible to visit the Garden of Europe De Gasperi, a small “floreal” work of art made in honor of the famous statesman.


  • Start

    Visitor Centre of Pieve Tesino

    Difficulty T: touristic route
    It is a trail that winds through woods, flower fields, biodiverse environments and bogs. It is an ideal itinerary for botanic lovers, who wish to immerse themselves into nature. Following footbridges and guided paths, it is possible to admire both local plants as well as trees imported from abroad.

  • end point

    Visitor Centre of Pieve Tesino

required equipment

Usual outfit suggested for excursions to the mountain (hiking clothing and boots, raincoat).

Tips for the tour

Perfect for families, with pic-nic areas along the way.


  • Difficulty

  • Fitness

  • Technique

  • Experience

  • Landscape

Recommended season

  • Jan.
  • Feb.
  • Mar.
  • Apr.
  • May
  • Jun.
  • Jul.
  • Aug.
  • Sep.
  • Oct.
  • Nov.
  • Dec.


self-arranged arrival
From the SS47 - Strada della Valsugana, for those who travel from Trento, take the exit for Strigno and then follow the directions for Tesino Plateau and then for Pieve Tesino. For those who come from Bassano, it is possible to take the exit for Grigno and follow the directions for Castello Tesino. Once in Castello Tesino, drive to the village of Pieve Tesino. When in Pieve (no matter which direction you're coming from), drive towards Cinte Tesino and after just 200mt the arboretum is reached.
Car Park of the Visitor Centre

public transport
Sì fino a Pieve Tesino, orari sul sito www.ttesercizio.it  Dal punto di fermata dell'autobus si arriva a piedi in 10 min. fino al punto di partenza della passeggiata

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