Walk - San Biagio's Church

    • (0)

Duration 0.7 h

Distance 1.9 km

Ascend 108 hm

Descent 108 hm

Max. height 564 m

Walk - San Biagio's Church - Description

Simple walk immersed in the ancient history of a small church, a destination for pilgrimages, especially in the times of pestilence.
Dedicated to Saint Biagio Bishop of Sebaste in Armenia whose martyrdom dates back to 316.
It stands on an archaeological site not yet explored, near an ancient little village.
Nearby there was built in 1640 a hermitage, destroyed by an arson in 1669, in which there was a hermit custodian of the church.
It is news of a last hermit in 1767.
The church was a destination for pilgrimages, especially in the times of pestilence and in those circumstances some victims of the disease were buried: in the summer of 1951, during restoration work, three skeletons buried without coffins were found next to the church. The small church in the classroom is a fourteenth-century building, enlarged in current architectural forms in 1506.


  • Start

    Parking Belvedere Park (517 m)

    Difficulty T; Tourist Trail
    Leaving the car at the Parco Belvedere parking, you climb on a white road that starts at the left of the capital, it is a walk that offers a beautiful view; you go up for ten minutes and at the first crossroads go up to the right and you reach the top of the hill where the church is located. For the return you go down to the crossroads and continue to the right on a flat road, which then turns into a white path that descends to hairpin bends up to the white road. When you reach the road you go to the right, closing our walk in a clockwise direction.

  • end point

    Parking Belvedere Park

required equipment

No equipment required

Tips for the tour

The church is open for visits by the Elderly and Retired Group of Levico Terme


  • Difficulty

  • Fitness

  • Technique

  • Experience

  • Landscape

Recommended season

  • Jan.
  • Feb.
  • Mar.
  • Apr.
  • May
  • Jun.
  • Jul.
  • Aug.
  • Sep.
  • Oct.
  • Nov.
  • Dec.


self-arranged arrival
Dalla strada statale 47 della Valsugana, si esce a Levico Terme, se segue Corso Centrale, Viale Trento, Parco Belvedere
Parcheggio Parco Belvedere 

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