Walk - San Valentino and the Fort of Tenna

    • (0)

Duration 1.5 h

Distance 4.2 km

Ascend 146 hm

Descent 147 hm

Max. height 607 m

Walk - San Valentino and the Fort of Tenna - Description

A wonderful view over the lakes Caldonazzo and Levico.
This itinerary aims at valuing the southern part of the hill, which involves a panoramic route through the orchards and over the Caldonazzo Lake, which starts from the Brenta hamlet, passing through San Valentino Church and the fort of Tenna.


  • Start

    Caldonazzo- Località Brenta

    Difficulty E: Excursionistic Route. From località Brenta an unpaved road on the right is taken, which gradually climbs up along the hill; passing through vineyard-cultivated terracings, the wood on the eastern part of the hill is reached. Following the road, the medieval San Valentino's church is found. At some stages, you can admire the wonderful view over the two lakes. Then it is necessary to walk on towards Tenna and the fort,  which has been recently renovated, is reached. Afterwards, the centre of the village is reached and Via Lago should be followed. After a few metres take the road to the left and through a little road the starting point is reached again.

  • end point

    Fort of Tenna

required equipment

The usual outfit for excursions to the mountain is advised (Hiking clothing and boots, a raincoat in case of rain).

Tips for the tour

If you can, bring a camera. From the overlook there is a beautiful view.


  • Difficulty

  • Fitness

  • Technique

  • Experience

  • Landscape

Recommended season

  • Jan.
  • Feb.
  • Mar.
  • Apr.
  • May
  • Jun.
  • Jul.
  • Aug.
  • Sep.
  • Oct.
  • Nov.
  • Dec.


self-arranged arrival
From the Valsugana highway 47, take the exit Loc. Brenta- Caldonazzo.
Parking lot at località Brenta.

public transport
Pulman Trentino Trasporti 

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