Walk to the waterfall of "Val de l'infern"

    • (0)

Duration 0.6 h

Distance 1.1 km

Ascend 206 hm

Descent 14 hm

Max. height 1421 m

Walk to the waterfall of "Val de l'infern" - Description

Interesting itinerary over the town of Regnana with arrival at the suggestive waterfall of "Val de l'infern".
Pleasent path immersed in the spruce wood, between chalet and house of mountain; culminates on the panoramic point o the"Val de l'Infern" waterfall where the waters performs in a spectacular leap into the abyss. Is suitable for all the family.


  • Start

    Regnana of Bedollo

    Started from Regnana: from Regnana you follow the indication for "val dell'Inferno" on 443A path and you going into the village; you pass a beautifull fountain and always on a comfortable road you continue with excellent indications. Soon after the road becomes cobbled and steeper, set between low walls: while you go up you notice some cabins and mountain houses. In an evident crossroads you leave the street for a little path in the wood (indications Stramaiolo hut and waterfall val del Infern), who rises in a zig zag in the wood to make the climb easier; arrived in a little clearing leave the principal path (443) and take some traces of path that fold to left; from there in some minuter in flat and then in downhill you arrive at the panoramic point with view on the waterfall. The panoramic point is a little exposed but protect with fences.
    Started from Centrale: from the bar-pizzeria Centrale take the paved road that conduce at the town Stramaiolo and you follow for 300 meters until a curve with "Martinei-Regnana 443" indications, where you take a forest road on the right. The street after a while becomes path, to following until the beginning of a paved road with view on the Bedollo town. You go along in downhill and then in flat for 500 meters; arriving on the hairpin of the provincial road that conduce at Redebus pass, take the path with "Regnana-Groffi 443A" indications, that to first by lawn and then by wood it conduce in locality Groffi. From here you enter in the little village and arrive in the fountain, carrying on the same itinerary that started from Regnana.

  • end point

    Regnana of Bedollo

required equipment

Even on relatively short easy outings make sure to take all you need so you don't run into trouble if things take an unexpected turn, for example a storm blows up or you have a sudden drop in energy levels. What you should have in your rucksack: water canteen (1L) snacks (e.g. mixed dried fruit or chocolate) First aid kit windproof jacket fleece change of t-shirt and socks (in a plastic bag) make sure to wear or at least bring a pair of long trousers hat sun screen sunglasses gloves whistle to attract attention in an emergency emergency telephone number Mountain Rescue 112     Make sure you're wearing the right footwear for the trail and season. The going can get rough and rocky underfoot and a pair of hiking boots will protect you from sprains. And finally... don't forget to bring your camera! You'll need it to capture the stunning views.

Tips for the tour

Along the proposed path it's possible to observe the caracteristig "baite" and mountain houses, until you resch the panoramic point of the waterfall.


  • Difficulty

  • Fitness

  • Technique

  • Experience

  • Landscape

Recommended season

  • Jan.
  • Feb.
  • Mar.
  • Apr.
  • May
  • Jun.
  • Jul.
  • Aug.
  • Sep.
  • Oct.
  • Nov.
  • Dec.


self-arranged arrival
Dall’autostrada A22 del Brennero (da sud uscita Trento sud – da nord uscita Trento nord) e dalla Statale 12 del Brennero, prosegui per la S.S. 47 della Valsugana per Pergine Valsugana – Padova fino al bivio della Mochena per Altopiano di Piné; presa la S.P. 83 di Piné transita sino a Centrale di Bedollo e imbocca la strada per passo Redebus fino all’abitato di Regnana. 
Se si sceglie di partire da Regnana è possibile parcheggiare nella piazza del paese, nei pressi del negozio di alimentari e della Chiesa. Se si preferisce partire da Centrale di Bedollo è possibile parcheggiare nei pressi del campo sportivo che si trova lungo la strada proseguendo per circa 300 metri in direzione Brusago.

public transport
Dalla stazione delle corriere di Trento prendere la linea B403 in direzione Montesover (Trento - Pergine - Baselga di Pinè - Montesover) o la linea B402 (Trento - Nogarè - Baselga di Pinè -Montesover) e scendere a Centrale di Bedollo.  Da Centrale di Bedollo è possibile raggiungere l'abitato di Regnana a piedi o con mezzi di trasporto propri. A piedi dal bar-pizzeria Centrale si imbocca la strada asfaltata che porta all’abitato di Stramaiolo e la si segue per 300 metri fino a una curva con indicazioni “Martinei-Regnana 443” dove si prende una strada forestale sulla destra. La strada dopo poco diventa sentiero, da seguire fino all'inizio di una strada asfaltata con vista sull’abitato di Bedollo.  Si percorre quest'ultima in discesa e poi in piano per 500 metri; arrivati sul tornante della strada provinciale che porta al passo Redebus, imbocchiamo il sentiero con indicazioni “Regnana-Groffi 443A” che prima per prato e poi per bosco ci porta in località Groffi. Da qui si entra nel paesino e si arriva alla fontana, proseguendo sullo stesso itinerario che parte da Regnana.  

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