Hotel of Paradiso ruin
Other: sightseeing,
Alta Val Martello ,
Martell / Martello
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Hotel of Paradiso ruin
At 2,160m above sea level, in the middle of the national park, behind the reservoir at the end of the beautiful Val Martello, lies the fascinating red ruin of the former luxury hotel Paradiso.
(can only be viewed from outside).
The fomer luxury hotel Paradiso experienced only a short period of prosperity between its realization in 1936 and the outbreak of war in 1940, which ended the civilian hotel business. After the outbreak of the second world war the guest business came to a complete standstill.
Built 1933-1935 by the Italian star architect Gio Ponti. Temporarly occupied by the nazis as their own holiday hotel. Went bankrupt in 1946 and has been abandoned since 1955.
Since then, the hotel ruin have had a mystical attraction. In the middle of the national park the abandoned red building defies and offers a fascinating contrast to the beautiful natural landscape, the mountain waves and the Plima gorge.
At the roundabout of Coldrano in direction Morter. From there always on the same street until the end of the valley. From the car park in Alta Val Martello approx. 10 minutes by feet, then you find the ruin of the Hotel Paradiso.
(can only be viewed from outside).
The fomer luxury hotel Paradiso experienced only a short period of prosperity between its realization in 1936 and the outbreak of war in 1940, which ended the civilian hotel business. After the outbreak of the second world war the guest business came to a complete standstill.
Built 1933-1935 by the Italian star architect Gio Ponti. Temporarly occupied by the nazis as their own holiday hotel. Went bankrupt in 1946 and has been abandoned since 1955.
Since then, the hotel ruin have had a mystical attraction. In the middle of the national park the abandoned red building defies and offers a fascinating contrast to the beautiful natural landscape, the mountain waves and the Plima gorge.
At the roundabout of Coldrano in direction Morter. From there always on the same street until the end of the valley. From the car park in Alta Val Martello approx. 10 minutes by feet, then you find the ruin of the Hotel Paradiso.
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