Residence Mairhof in Schanzen

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Raised hide, Piazza Principale 14, 39021 Latsch / Laces
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Residence Mairhof in Schanzen

The Residence Mairhof in Schanzen near Coldrano of the bishops of Chur is a core construction from the 14th century. It was the seat of the curch judge of Chur in the Unter-Scala diocese that also controlled the episcopal court. In addition to its judicial function, the Mairhof residence was also used to accommodate the bishops of Chur during their extensive pastoral and visitation trips. The residence was expanded to a four-storey tower with apartments in the 15th and early 16th century. Cannot be viewed in the interior - private property.

With the car or the public transports from Coldrano in the direction to Morter. 100 meter after the roundabout the Residence Mairhof in Schanzen is situated.

Location and route

Popular accommodations and further sightseeing spots in the area

The sightseeing Residence Mairhof in Schanzen is located in Latsch / Laces.

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