Laboratorio Espresso

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Local business, Mailandstraße / Via Milano, 47, 39100 Bozen / Bolzano
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About Laboratorio Espresso

Luca Pintimalli is a bona fide coffee maestro, a passion he has

nurtured from a very early age all thanks to his mother. She'd discovered

the café boasting its very own roastery. It was love at first

sight. "The first exclusive roastery in Bolzano, a universe of green

coffee beans and an aroma which wafted across the entire neighbourhood."

His parents purchased Tropical Caffè in 1981 from the

previous owners, who'd been running it for two generations in the

Europa-Novacella neighbourhood. Luca was brought up between

jute coffee bags and behind the shop's counter. He contributed

more to the business as his mother, Nadia, started to decline due

to a severe sickness; in 2014, she passed away, and Luca decided to

interrupt his studies in Padova and Trento to dive headfirst into the

universe of coffee. He never looked back and was swept away by the

world of coffee, raw materials, and supply chains, making him the

coffee expert he is today.

Your senses come alive upon crossing the tiny café's door. You're

enveloped in a sweet, heady aroma of coffee, and your gaze sweeps

over the coffee grinders and all the other necessary equipment, select chocolate pralines, Italian sugared almonds, and rare sweets,

until it rests on the valuable coffee beans from the four corners of

the world. Aha! The culprits of that wonderful aroma. The café is a

meeting point for all coffee gourmands from the neighbourhood

and the city at large. If you fancy tasting the same coffee prepared

using different methods - from an espresso machine through a

French press, paper filter to much, much more, you're in coffee Eldorado.

You can also purchase exclusive coffee-based gifts or simply

find out more about the vast and diverse world of coffee.