Cimbrian Imaginary Path - Nå in tritt von Sambinélo

Theme Hikes
    • (0)

Duration 2.1 h

Distance 6.6 km

Ascend 186 hm

Descent 186 hm

Max. height 1519 m

Cimbrian Imaginary Path - Nå in tritt von Sambinélo - Description

Beautiful and exciting themed path, one among the most beautiful family trail in Trentino, a pleasant journey to discover the stories and legends of the Cimbrian world. Along the way, among corners of nature, woods, pastures and panoramic views, wood sculptures and illustrative panels will tell about the characters that populate the local tradition.
This trail is highly sought-after and frequented by families with children who can meet, along this beautiful track, the curious characters from the fantastic world of the Cimbrian popolation.


  • Start

    Centre of Lusérn

    The trail starts from the main square in front of the Kamouhaus vo Lusérn/Luserna Town Hall (1.333 m). It enters the residential zone (Pill-P.zza C.Battisti) passing in front of the haus-museum  Haus von Prükk and the Martin Pedrazza Art Gallery (open every day during the summer) and rises along the street Via Cima Nora. Once arrived at the Agritur Galeno turn right, on the rural road (Rendola) with panoramic views on the Prach fields and above the Astico Valley.
    You will pass in front of the first bulletin boards, telling about the legends of Frau Pertega and Tüsele Marüsele and its wood sculptures. Keep on walking along the easy, carved into the steep side of the mountain road called Obarleitn which crosses beautiful beech woods. It ends in the area called Hoacheck, here the trail goes uphill on the left, leading to the dirt road. Turn right and at the edge of the Bältle fir forest you will find the Bolflupo sculpture. After two hundred meters, just before the border with Veneto, leave the road and turn left. In a clearing you will find the sculpture of the Basilisk-dragon. After a small descent you come across a Kalchgruabe, - calcara/calchèra in Trentino dialect – a traditional furnace for the production of lime. Next to it there are two bulletin boards and a sculpture representing an ancient woodcutter/Cimbrian warrior. Go back to the right along the Bis von Kåmp, an ancient meadow bordered with dry stone walls. At the highest point (q. 1.500) there is a beautiful plateau with an alpine lake Laghetto-Hülble von Kåmp with the Peer-bear sculpture and traces of the trenches and barracks of the Great War.
    After crossing the plateau follow the dirt road that leads to Forte Lusérn. After a few hundred meters, turn left in a steep descent to get to the Kåmp - Malga Campo. Turn slightly to the right, cross the large pasture and follow the path marked with big stones. Here you will find the bulletin board with the legend of Sambinélo-Sambinèl. Following the trail you will cross a mixed forest and a larch trees one called Lächla, then you will move forward down through the meadows to the Hüttn-Baiti. Turn right on the dirt road that leads to the Bersaglio, take the steep path on the left and, after passing in front of the Pillele - Capitello di San Antonio da Padova (panoramic point), you will return to the main square of Lusérn.

  • end point

    Centre of Lusérn

Tips for the tour

Combine the tour with a visit to the Haus Von Prukk (Cimbrian house) and to the Documentation Center Lusérn (museum with permanent wildlife exhibition).


  • Difficulty

  • Fitness

  • Technique

  • Experience

  • Landscape

Recommended season

  • Jan.
  • Feb.
  • Mar.
  • Apr.
  • May
  • Jun.
  • Jul.
  • Aug.
  • Sep.
  • Oct.
  • Nov.
  • Dec.


self-arranged arrival
Luserna/Lusérn can be reached from Trento along the SS349 of Val d'Assa passing through Vigolo Vattaro - Carbonare - Lavarone and Monterovere. It can be reached from Folgaria (25 km) following a stretch of the SS350 road (up to Carbonare) and continuing on the SS349 passing by Lavarone Bertoldi - Passo del Cost - Monterovere. Finally, it can be reached from the Alta Valsugana along the winding and scenic Menador street (starting from Caldonazzo).
In the square and in the parking lot adjacent to the square.

public transport
Luserna/Lusérn is served by the Trentino Trasporti public transport service. For summer tourist mobility info at Alpe Cimbra tourist board Tel. +39 0464 789641 - +39 0464 724144

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