Pale plateau and descent down the Val di Roda

    • (0)

Duration 4.0 h

Distance 9.1 km

Ascend 507 hm

Descent 1629 hm

Max. height 2813 m

Pale plateau and descent down the Val di Roda - Description

Stupendous route in a spectacular setting which alternates between various scenarios of the Dolomites: moonwalking on the plateau, magnificent in the Pradidali high valley, and almost hidden in the Roda Valley.
The descent, a pearl for real enthusiasts, should be made at the right moment; in order to find good snow on the entire descent demands intuition, knowledge of the environment and of snow The ring is surely the most suggestive of the group, even in relation to the altitude difference when ascending, and the long ski back down to San Martino di Castrozza.


  • Start

    San Martino di Castrozza – upstream Rosetta Lift

    On exiting the Rosetta chairlift, head for the holes below the refuge hut. Once there, put leathers on and head up the hillside slopes which lead to the Pale di San Martino plateau itself (N46° 15.965' E11° 51.037'). From here, taking a wide loop along the hillside under the Cima di Roda and Cima Scarpe slopes, you reach the vicinity of the Pradidali Alto pass (N46° 15.555' E11° 51.084'). Descend the steep slope leading to the fork below, from where you cross over to the right under the vertical walls of the Pala di San Martino, Cima Immink and Cima Pradidali, reaching the Pradidali lake area, without descending too far into the valley in order to not lose too much altitude. Now re-ascend towards the Pradidali Refuge (2278m) and then, in a westerly direction, towards the slopes below the Pradidali clock tower, which leads in around 30 minutes to the Ball pass ((N46° 14.803' E11° 50.830'). From the other side of the fork, a small corner of paradise opens up: thick, high-quality snow in a carved-out valley exposed to the north which leads around to the Felicita tower, without being excessively steep - the first and lowest of the vertical clock towers in the Roda valley which overshadow the left side; on the right you will find the Cima Immink and the imposing west face of the Pala di San Martino. Going around the tower, sometimes a rope is needed to pass over a brief rock jump, which however in normal snow conditions is covered over. The channel which follows however is often narrow and good technique is required in order to ski and have fun. Exit left as soon as the slopes allow, in order to move over to the parallel channel, as soon as the main channel is blocked by a rock jump. Overcome a brief steep section, which at times is poorly covered by snow, and ski towards the fun of the slopes below in the woods until you reach the bed of the torrent which gives the valley its name. Cross it and pass over the typical erratic masses which lead to the forest road. From here, in order to return to the Colverde Gondola lift car park, follow the forest route north, initially as a gentle incline, followed by a descent.

  • end point

    San Martino di Castrozza – Prati Col

required equipment

For all off-piste skiing activities, the proper apparel is strongly recommended. Skiers must bear in mind that temperatures can dip quickly and garments should also be suitable for snowy conditions (such as waterproof Gore-Tex jackets). Furthermore, gloves, cap, sun glasses and sun cream should also form part of every off-piste skier’s basic gear. It’s also important to bear in mind that tight fitting or insufficiently waterproof ski boots can cause frostbite. It’s also COMPULSARY to carry with you an avalanche rescue kit consisting of avalanche transceiver, probe and shovel (this is also available for rent). A suitable helmet and other safety equipment are also strongly recommended (avalanche airbags etc.).

Tips for the tour

The circuit is a jewel in the skiing crown of the Dolomites; it should be undertaken at the right moment to find firn in the Pradidali valley and stable powder in the Roda Valley. There are two anchor points for abseiling, the higher of the two has been placed for when the snow is difficult to reach safely with a 20m drop.


  • Difficulty

  • Fitness

  • Technique

  • Experience

  • Landscape

Recommended season

  • Jan.
  • Feb.
  • Mar.
  • Apr.
  • May
  • Jun.
  • Jul.
  • Aug.
  • Sep.
  • Oct.
  • Nov.
  • Dec.


self-arranged arrival Taxi and transfer:  
Free parking throughout the Colverde - Rosetta ski stations

public transport
Public transport coach line Trentino Trasporti: Transfer from/to airport:  

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